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Revision as of 18:32, 5 November 2014 by Alastair (talk | contribs)

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For information on Digital Vision support availability, including contact details and contracts, please see the support area of the main web site.


Compatibility with Previous Releases

Projects and notes from the previous release of the application are normally compatible and supported in the (major) release after i.e. 2014.1 is compatible with the previous release 2013.3. However, projects and notes from releases prior to the version previous are not supported and might result in application instability and project damage.

Projects and notes from the current release are not compatible in previous versions. Once opened in the latest release, you should not open a project in any older release (even the last) or project damage might result.

Memory Settings

This release is 64 bit and can take advantage of all available memory on the system.

Application memory usage is controlled using the preference setting memoryImagePoolMaxMB (in megabytes). New installations will set this parameter to half system RAM by default but you may want to change this. You can change this through editing the preference file or in the GUI Preferences / Rendering : Image memory :

Parameter Default Alternative
memoryImagePoolMaxMB Half RAM RAM - 4 GB

Examples :

RAM memoryImagePoolMaxMB
12 8096
48 44000

You may need to experiment to determine best settings for your workload. Note that this discussion assumes no other application is running at the same time as ours. In particular, any external helper applications such as Apple Quicktime or Avid will also allocate and require their own memory areas.

Thread Settings

There are two thread preference settings available. The recommended settings are :

Parameter Value
renderFrameThreads Number of CPU Cores (see below)
renderTileThreads 1

These recommendations are set automatically on fresh new installs of the latest version where a preference file does not exist. If the preferences exist, the settings inside will be used. It is best to let the application create a brand new preference file by moving any existing one out of the way.

The renderFrameThreads and renderTileThreads parameters are available in the preference file and via the GUI Preferences / Rendering section.

If the application starts running out of memory for rendering, one way to mitigate this is to try reducing the number of Frame threads.

Optimising Performance and Threading

These thread settings may not be optimal for your specific workflow. For best performance, you should analyse and benchmark your workflow using a variety of thread settings and select the settings that work best for you.

Optimising threads can have a big impact on render speed so it is a good idea to undertake some tests before starting a job.

To determine the number of cores and an optimal value for renderFrameThreads, see the FAQ.