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Properties and Metadata

Press the Properties button to bring up a property editor for the selected library items.




The Properties available depend on the selected item.


Most image sequence types have basic properties, but many movie formats (such as Red, SI-2K etc.) have extended format properties and extra miscellaneous metadata associated with them. Audio clips have their own specific audio properties (including channel routing).



The layout of the Property dialog

Property Editor Layout

As can be seen in the illustration above, the Property Editor is composed of a number of panels that descrive different aspects of the metadata.



Not all library items will include all metadata and all the panels.

Basic Properties

Basic Properties are those common to all library types, and include item name, tape name, description, timecode and duration, components and colour space.



Format Properties

Some items have format specific properties we can edit and these are shown in the Format Properties panel. The image below shows the extra properties available for a Red R3D shot.



Format Properties panel showing extra properties for a Red Camera shot.

Miscellaneous Metadata

The Miscellaneous Metadata panel shows the extra metadata available. This will be the complete display of all item metadata, some of which will overlap with the Format Properties panel.



A portion of the displayed miscellaneous metadata for a Red shot.



This metadata is shown as a more raw form as found in the original item.

Nucoda Properties

The Nucoda Properties are an extra set of metadata fields that can be set on library items.



Nucoda properties (part).


Available properties include : SourceId, Take, Scene, Camroll, Slate, Soundroll, Director, ProjectName, DoP, Cameraman, DailiesColorist, DateOfShoot



These Nucoda Properties will be included in any ALE List export and facilitate interoperability in a dailies environment with products from Avid etc.

Relinking Clips

The Relink Clips dialog allows you to change the source path (location on disk) for a clip stored in the library. This can be useful if a clip is moved on disk and needs to be re-linked to the composition.




Open the clip Properties dialog and select the ..Change button to the right of the clip Source Path property :




The Relink Clips dialog opens and displays the Before path (current location used) and the After path, the new location we can set. Initially they will be the same.




Open the File Browser and navigate to the new path required and select the clip located in the new location. The After path will update.



The Status indicator will display Online if the selected (After) path is good and the clip is located. If we cannot locate the new path, we display Offline.


Once complete, press the Apply button :




If you want to undo your change and revert to the original After path, press the Revert button :




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