UM:Cli Index

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Command Line

The Command Line Interface (CLI) lets you run application commands without starting up the application interface (GUI). The CLI is therefore useful for automating tasks that do not require an operator to be present.


The CLI supports many of the operations that can be performed interactively using the GUI interface:


Project Definition and Creation
Composition Definition and Creation
Importing Clips to the Library
Adding a Version
Splicing or Overwriting Clips to a Composition
EDL Import and Conform
Capturing and Conforming Material
Generating Local Proxies
Rendering a Composition via Export
Rendering a Composition Cache
Running Multiple Operations from a File
Listing Project and Composition Information
Counting and Adding Tracks to Existing Compositions
Testing for a GUI Lock
Project Format Specification



Be careful to quote any strings or paths you use on the command line. In particular, pay attention to any spaces in strings or paths or you will see syntax errors i.e.


The argument :


--format-spec C:\data files\specs\test.spec


Will give an error due to the space in the "data files" folder. Quote this to prevent the error :


--format-spec "C:\data files\specs\test.spec"


Required parameters are given in angled brackets <> i.e.


--format-spec <path>


Optional parameters are given in square brackets [] i.e.


--timecode-header [1|2]


Possible values are separated with a vertical bar (| as above).

Splitting Long Lines

This document sometimes splits long command lines over multiple lines to make the command easier to read. The split if delimited by a line-continuation character "\" i.e.


--export S:\exp\$o\$c..dpx \

 --export-mode single


In reality, you would type the above command on a single line only without the continuation character :


--export S:\exp\$o\$c..dpx --export-mode single


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