UM:Cli Cli Export Edl

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Exporting an EDL

--export-edl <edl file>

Export supplied composition to specified EDL file


Use frame numbers in EDL instead of timecode

Exporting an EDL

--export-edl <edl file>


This command will export the the specified composition (given by the --composition parameter) to the specified EDL file.



The <edl file> argument should be the full path, including the drive letter, filename and extension.


Command :

$ nucoda_film_master --project project-x --composition comptest \

  --export-edl S:\edl1.edl

INFO Opening project "project-x" from "D:\Nucoda\2014_1\projects\project-x".

INFO Opening composition "comptest".



The output EDL will be standard EDL (CMX) format with timecodes e.g.


TITLE: comptest


001  tape-1   V   C   05:04:46:13 05:04:56:03 01:03:16:04 01:03:25:19


* FROM FILE: S:\media\images\mazda-2k\OE5012A\438877.dpx


Exporting with Frame Numbers



When exporting an EDL, use --use-frame-numbers to include frame numbers instead of timecodes in the output EDL.


Command :

$ nucoda_film_master --project project-x --composition comptest \

  --export-edl S:\edl1.edl --use-frame-numbers

INFO Opening project "project-x" from "D:\Nucoda\2014_1\projects\project-x".

INFO Opening composition "comptest".


The output EDL will be standard EDL (CMX) format with frame numbers e.g.


TITLE: comptest


001  tape-1   V     C   457163  457403  94904  95144


* FROM FILE: S:\media\images\mazda-2k\OE5012A\438877.dpx



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