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Exporting Shots
--export <path> Export/render supplied composition to specified path
--export-mode <single/multi> Choose mode of export (single or multi). [REQUIRED].
--multi-mode <MODE> For multi-mode export, choose MODE. MODE can be one of :
  • visible-src
  • visible-rec
  • tracks-src
  • tracks-rec

[REQUIRED when using multi mode export].

--export-format <FORMAT> Specify extra information for DPX, TIFF and MXF format exports (see below).
--video-codec <PRESET> For Quicktime exports, specify the video codec PRESET to use (see below).
--frame-padding <N> Set with of numeric padding on filenames on export. This will be zero-padded.
--export-handles <N> Export each shot with specified handles. [REQUIRED when using multi mode export].
--smpte-level-clip <true/false> Clip the exported shot colourspace to SMPTE video levels.

This chapter describes how to export shots on a composition to various file formats, such as DPX, MXF DNxHD and Quicktime. You can choose to export the composition in various "modes", taking account of tracks and shot visibility or as a single contiguous "mixdown" sequence.

Exporting a Composition

--export <path>
--export-mode <single|multi> [REQUIRED]

The --export command will render and export the specified composition (given by the --composition parameter) to the specified path.

The <path> argument should be the full path, including the drive letter, filename and extension.

The output format written (DPX, MXF etc.) is taken from the file extension.

Command :
nucoda --project PROJ1 --composition COMP1 --export-mode single --export Z:\jobs\001\graded_m.dpx

INFO Opening project "PROJ1".
INFO Opening composition "COMP1".
INFO export ... exported 0 frames of 60 (0%)
INFO export ... exported 60 frames of 60 (100%)

Exporting shots on the command line will not generate caches. This is different behaviour to the GUI where you have a choice of caching behaviour when exporting media.

Export Modes

--export-mode <single/multi> [REQUIRED]
--multi-mode <MODE>
--export-handles <N>

There are two export modes and you must specify one.

Single Mode

--export-mode single

In single mode, the composition is exported as a single contiguous clip.

Multi Mode

--export-mode multi
--multi-mode <MODE>
--export-handles <N>

In multi mode, the composition is exported as multiple shots with a layout specified with the required mode option.

The mode option --multi-mode can have one of the following MODE values :

  • visible-src
  • visible-rec
  • tracks-src
  • tracks-rec

See the Exporting chapter for a fuller description of Export Modes.

If some shots have timecodes that overlap,use an event folder variable ($e) when exporting. This will place exported shots inside "event" numbered folders and prevent overlapping shots being overwritten.

Shot Handles

--export-handles <N> [REQUIRED in multi-mode exports]

The --export-handles <N> option sets how many frames to use for handles (extra frames either side of a cut) when exporting.

Export Paths

When using --export, the <path> argument should be the full path, including the drive letter, filename and extension. You can also use export variables such as $o, $f etc.

See the Export Variables section for a description of available variables.

Command :
--export S:\exports\$o\$c_graded..dpx --export-mode single

This produces a single file sequence named from the clip name, in a folder named from composition e.g.

Command :
--export S:\export\$e\$c..dpx --export-mode multi --multi-mode visible-rec --export-handles 20

This produces multiple event folders, each containing one shot with record order timecodes. Each shot is assigned to be exported with 20 frame handles :

 0001\NOCLIP.090000.dpx ...
 0002\fixed.0090078.dpx ...
Command :
--export S:\exports\$e\$f.tiff

This exports files with numeric filenames only via the $f (frame number) variable, inside event folders e.g.

 0045\008331.tiff ...
 0046\009039.tiff ...
Frame Number Padding

--frame-padding <N>

Use the --frame-padding option to set the amount of numeric padding for frame numbers on exported filenames

Command :
--export S:\exports\$o\$c_graded..dpx --export-mode single --frame-padding 5

Frame numbers are zero padded i.e. 00067727.dpx is a frame padding of eight (8).
The default padding is six (6).

SMPTE Level Clipping

--smpte-level-clip <true|false>

To clip the exported shots to a SMPTE legal range (e.g. 64-940 for 10 bit data), use the --smpte-level-clip option.

This is only applicable to SMPTE colourspace projects.

File Format Information

--export-format <FORMAT>

Use the --export-format option to specify a specific output format type to write. This option is used for DPX, TIFF and MXF formats.

DPX Specification

When exporting to a DPX sequence, you can use the --export-format <FORMAT> option to set the bit-depth, colour space/channels and scaling. FORMAT can be one of the following :

  • rgb16
  • rgb12
  • rgb10
  • rgb8
  • yuv10
  • luma16
  • luma12
  • luma10
  • luma8

You can optionally append the following suffixes to modify the output DPX file format :

  • _log
  • _lin
  • _smpte
Command :
--export S:\exports\$o\$f.dpx --export-mode single --export-format rgb16
Command :
--export S:\exports\$o\$f.dpx --export-mode single --export-format rgb10_lin
Command :
--export S:\exports\$o\$c_graded.dpx --export-mode single --export-format luma10
TIFF Specification

When exporting a TIFF sequence, you can use the --export-format <FORMAT> option to specify the bit-depth of the TIFF output. FORMAT can be one of :

  • TIF:8
  • TIF:16
Command :
--export S:\exports\$o\$f.tif --export-mode single --export-format TIF:16
- Note use of TIF not TIFF
MXF Specification

When exporting an MXF sequence, use --export-format <FORMAT> where FORMAT is one of :

  • MXF:Uncomp HD 10 bit
  • MXF:Uncomp HD 8 bit
  • MXF:1:1 10b RGB
  • MXF:1:1 10b RGB
  • MXF:DNxHD 40 1080p
  • MXF:DNxHD 120 1080p
  • MXF:DNxHD 185 1080p
  • MXF:DNxHD 185X 1080p
  • MXF:DNx444 370X 1080p
  • MXF OP1a:XDCAM HD 50

You will need to "quote" the format for execution.

Command :
--export S:\exports\output.mxf --export-mode single --export-format "MXF:DNxHD 185 1080p"
MOV Codec Information

--video-codec <PRESET>

When exporting to Quicktime, use the --video-codec <PRESET> option to select the Quicktime preset to use. The following presets are built-in :

  • ProRes 4444
  • ProRes 422 (HQ)
  • ProRes 422
  • ProRes 422 (LT)
  • ProRes 422 (Proxy)

You will need to "quote" the format for execution.

Video Codec Presets

For details on how to create and use presets, see the appendix Creating Quicktime Presets.

Command :
--export S:\exports\ --export-mode single --video-codec "ProRes 422 (LT)"

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